


VizMan - Visitor Management System is a secure and user friendly database manager.

Visitor Management Application that replaces the usual register to create a data of visitors and keeping unnecessary people at bay by blocking them. It digitizes the process right from the main gate to reception; meeting arena to gate pass. It is sleek end-to-end flow of the visit that creates the workplace to be secure and smart. It helps the users to see relevant visitors' Information on the system before the meeting. Manage your Visitors with Meeting Calendar and Issue Gate Pass to keep check on daily incomings in your office/factory premises. VizMan is a touchless interface for your Visitors keeping in mind the recent Pandemic that has affected us all. It is a refreshed version of your paper-based log books where you would record the data from the visitors. VizMan provides notification on every Check-in, Meeting, and Invite, keeping you informed of who you meet?
Naapbooks Limited

Naapbooks is a software development company with expertise in financial and business solutions