Create fullstack web apps with natural language through AI
# What is it?
Semicode is a no code AI plattform for full stack development.
# What problem does it solve?
The frustration of setting up new full stack projects when building a new web app.
Things like infrastructure/hosting, initial frontend and backend components.
# How?
Write in natural language and AI builds frontend and backend components, and also composes these together.
Host on Semicode platform or export.
The tech stack is initially Next.JS + TS + TailwindCSS and more.
# Why?
Building this in public with to make my daily workflow faster.
No more jumping between GPT4 and VScode, semicode will help to setup atleast 70%* of the project and then we can carry on developing the more fun stuff.
*70% today, maybe 100% when GPT5 launches.