


Sensory Wall Art. A Touch, Look, and Listen Wall Adventure

DecoTale is a patent pending interactive wall adventure that allows your child to play, learn, and discover. With its re-usable properties, you have endless design possibilities. Working on virtually all painted or smooth surfaces. DecoTale helps with your child’s learning. With sensory attributes from fabric textures, push button sound devices, and flip up-n-find panels. With touch, sound, and dexterity exploration, your child will love to interact with our different designs. Unlike one dimensional wall decals, DecoTale artfully integrated theses sensory highlights to give you more in a wall design. Parents can feel safe with our non-toxic adhesives, and child friendly sound buttons. DecoTale designs come in various layout combinations, beautifully colored images, and sensory elements. DecoTale meaning “Deco” as in art and “Tale” like fairy tale, showcasing art in a story telling layout. Imagination is the only thing your child will have to bring to “story time”.

Decorator Enthusiast, love the gym, and lover of all things colorful and fun!