Quickly search, find, understand, and summarize documents.
Let AskDocs AI give you a hand. It's like a super smart reading helper that helps you locate relevant information from your reports, contracts, financial documents, academic papers, and policy documents in seconds!
Just upload your documents and ask questions in plain English. It give you straight answers pulled directly from your files.
What makes it great:
* Works with everything: PDFs, Word, Excel, images (png, jpeg, jpg) - we don't care. If you can read it, AskDocs can read it.
* Actually understands context: Ask a real question, get a real answer.
* Get reliable answers: Instant explanations and definitions of confusing terms, acronyms and concepts based on your document.
* It understands you: Multilingual support, even if you type or speak to it.
AskDocs locks your stuff up tight, using security best practices that keeps your info safe as can be. Your documents are yours alone - full stop. Your data is not used for training of AI model.
Try it today. Or don't. But stop torturing yourself by skimming through files alone.